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US police dog arrested fugitive (video)

Women and miscellaneous

In the United States, the police were able to help a dog to arrest a dangerous criminal. The dog alone took the chase with the suspect until he was arrested.

The details of the incident, according to a police report, were presented at the official expense of Ocala, when the police stopped a transport vehicle driven by a suspicious person. When the driver felt the police approaching him, he fled quickly, and the chase began.

Dog caught a car thief in America
Dog caught a car thief in America

After a long series of chase between the police cars and the car of the accused, the accused had to park his car next to a fence to jump over him directly and then escape in one of the agricultural areas away from the police and as his car stopped and rushed to the agricultural area, He was able to arrest him easily.

The police asked the help of their "colleague" Dog Doddard, who ran behind the escaped fugitive with all his might, until he was able to arrest him and grabbed him with all his might, and applied his mouth to the thief's leg gently, as some of them did not complete the case. The police arrested the dog's movement until they reached the suspect and was tied up with all force. The dog did not leave him until after he was successfully arrested.

– News of Varieties

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