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Today .. Thousands of Copts are celebrating the day of Abba Ibram Deir Al Azab Fayoum

Egyptian reports

On Friday, the Bishop of Fayoum, Bishop of Fayoum, presided over prayers on the eve of the celebration of Anba Abbam, the late Bishop of Fayoum, at Deir Al-Azab in Fayoum.

The celebration begins with the evening prayer and the glorification of Abba Abram followed by the cycle of the icon of the saint, then the prayer of the half-night prayer, and the end of the feast of the feast of the saint.

St. Anbaam was known for his episcopal episcopate; he first gave gifts to the many poor who used to go to the Episcopal House to give him all his money. The Episcopal house made many of them homeless; the second was the prayer of faith, Aged 85, including 33 years of service in the episcopate until he died.

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