Photo: President of the Egyptian communities in Europe: The world is following the progress and stability in Egypt
– Pastor Tharwat Qadis: President Sisi choose from our Lord for the Egyptians
"Christianity in Egypt lived in its golden age during the reign of President al-Sisi. The churches that destroyed the Brotherhood's rule were built and built, and the Europeans were fans of the Brotherhood during their reign in order to sell the Sinai." The words of Dr. Tharwat Qadis, president of the Egyptian Communities Federation in Europe The dialogue council of the Anglican Church during its dialogue with "the seventh day", to the text of the dialogue ..
Pastor Tharwat Qadis
Tell us about your origins and how did you travel to Germany until you reached the presidency of the Federation of Egyptian Communities Abroad?
I was born in Upper Egypt in the city of Mallawi in Minya province, to a family who understood that we are all one. There is no difference between a Christian and a Muslim. The month of Ramadan always reminded me of my childhood. I used to watch the girls of the Six Umm Muhammad, exchanging kanafa dishes with my mother, She was awarded a Bachelor of Theological Sciences, and was ordained a Chaplain in Dakahlia. A youth representative was elected to the Evangelical Church in Germany for a year, from 1967 to 1968 and here was the beginning.
At the end of the year I returned to Egypt and had a scholarship with me. I specialized in the study of Islamic sciences and Islamic jurisprudence for 5 years. I got the first degree. I came to the conclusion that the Christian and Islamic thought agreed with each other and deepened the study of the Prophet's Hadiths. All this under the name of dialogue, and I was a sponsor of a German church for 40 years, and the last 10 years professor at the University of Frankfurt in Germany and the founder of the department of Islamic dialogue Christian University, and succeeded praise God in Germany, and that the religion towards Egypt, Since 2001, I currently live what Between Egypt and Germany, because my wife and family live there, the president of the Federation of Egyptian Communities in Europe, and the chairman of the Dialogue Council of the Evangelical Church.
Pastor Tharwat Qadis
At first he told us about the concept of the Anglican Church?
It came after the reform. Since 1854, the English Church in Egypt has started with two very important human relations: education and health. When it started not to build a church, it started to build a school and a hospital. After school and hospital there is a church. In any country there is an Anglican church. The Church of England has grown from Upper Egypt to the North, and now we number more than 2 million Egyptian Christians. If we visit any Anglican church, we will find its children developed in the thought according to the society they live in. in it.
What is the difference between the Evangelical Church and other Churches?
There are churches that we call traditional churches, such as Orthodoxy and Catholicism, but evangelicalism is actually a kind of thought development, the development and renewal of old thought, such as the renewal of religious discourse, and the interpretation of the text in relation to the present situation.
Editor of the seventh day and the priest Tharwat
What role does the Anglican Church play in the Christian-Islamic dialogue?
The Evangelical Church in Egypt was the first to start the Christian-Islamic dialogue in Egypt and the world, and the West began to draw from the sons of Egypt. When I was in the Christian-Islamic dialogue in Germany, I returned from Egypt when I was a student, and the Evangelical Church always believes in dialogue, especially the Christian-Islamic dialogue.
Tell us about the role of the Church in establishing dialogue and extending bridges of communication with the other?
The Church has played a major role in building bridges throughout its time, and continues to build bridges and strengthen relations between human beings despite their differences. The Evangelical Church has a long tradition in the field of Christian-Christian and Islamic-Christian dialogue through Al-Azhar, the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church. Intellectual encounters and activities, and access to a large common ground that brings together the two and dissolves all the differences or dams and barriers that were among them.
When was the General Union of Egyptians Abroad established? Tell us about his role?
We have found 20 associations in Germany. We established the Federation of Egyptian Communities in Germany and then we learned in Switzerland and England. I was chosen as the President of the Federation of Egyptian Communities in Germany.
The Union cares about the Egyptians coming from Egypt and sponsors them, and works to correct the misconceptions about Islam and correct the misconceptions about what happened in Egypt to political circumstances, such as human rights institutions abroad, that the Egyptians in Egypt are oppressed. In the golden age of Christians, as evidenced by all churches burned and destroyed Christian facilities have been rebuilt, this is our role to play this big role for the Germans and Europeans, and aim to develop a strategy and a long-term plan to attract foreign investment and stimulate tourism.
How does the world view Europe for Egypt and the Egyptians?
The Europeans are very interested in the Middle East, and the whole world is following the progress that is taking place in Egypt. Our role is to present to them the reality of what is happening in Egypt. .
How was the European world looking at Egypt under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood?
"The Europeans were the Brotherhood's fans and the Brotherhood's supporters continued to rule because they were jinn on their whims. The first thing they did was that they tried to sell Sinai to them to ensure the security of Israel, and the Brotherhood was in power for the time they ruled the capital with Jerusalem, not Cairo, where citizenship was lost and the country lost. Today, they talk about their situation in prisons and about the lack of freedom of the press. When we talk to them, we tell them that the media is playing an incitement role to destroy Egypt. Is it left without punishment? It must be punished in order to reach security, peace and tranquility. Europeans We want to live in anxiety along and poverty in order to extend our hand to them, but this will not happen because our Lord is first protected, especially under the leadership of President Al-Sisi because it came from our Lord and not human beings, but our Lord chose him to be responsible for Egypt, cares about the poor and women and any point where weakness In the country, and save the country at a critical time before Egypt becomes like Syria and Yemen, and therefore to say to the Europeans and Germans you need Sisi and Egypt, because the length of a strong force and base in Egypt, will not come to your lands illegal migration and terrorism, And now their outlook has changed completely because of Egypt's stability.
Mohammed Salah .. Have you changed the view of the Europeans abroad from Egypt?
"Mohammed Salah, the subject of the time they are encouraging him for their benefit because Liverpool materially gain from behind him, but there is no doubt that his presence Mohammed Salah in Europe has been a great renaissance and change of thought, and there are a large number of scientists in Europe and Egypt also have a role to change the perception of the Europeans to Egypt.
It was said that you participated in the establishment of the first Orthodox Church in Germany, tell us about it?
In the mid-1970s, Egyptians in Germany gathered in the English houses and churches to pray. I participated in the establishment of the first Orthodox church in Germany, and I have had good relations with it so far. We have organized joint works with the Anglican Church. Pope Shenouda III visited Germany.
Tell us about giving your wife's clinic in Germany to Muslims to set up a mosque?
When I was a pastor of the Anglican Church in Germany in 1975, I was surprised by two Muslims from Turkey who asked me to meet for their desire to find a place of worship and help them establish a mosque legally. I did not think again, I started helping them take legal action. At that time, my wife had a clinic in Langen County and asked her to move somewhere else, because she would sell the clinic, so the place was available for the mosque, where we believed in helping others.
My wife's clinic sold them to them for a small price as a contribution. My wife's clinic, after selling them, became the headquarters of the Islamic Cultural Center and worship, and then a mosque, and helping us with the most important features of dialogue.
Pastor Tharwat Qadis (3)
Pastor Tharwat Qadis (4)
Pastor Tharwat Qadis (5)
(t) The Evangelical Church (t) The Federation of Egyptian Communities in Germany (t) The Brothers (t)
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