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"Social services" hold 39% of support and benefits .. Pension funds are top


The estimates of the total support and grants for social services in the new fiscal year 2019-2020 project submitted by the government of Dr. Mostafa Madbouli and presented to the House of Representatives under the chairmanship of Dr. Ali Abdel Aal, Speaker of Parliament, amounted to 128 billion and 947 million pounds, estimated at about 39% of total support and grants. Social benefits:

Support and grants for support and grants for social services are divided as follows:

1- Passenger transport subsidy is LE1.850 million (0.6%).

2- Supporting students' contributions (railway) 200 million pounds (0.01%).

3. Supporting students' subscriptions (metro) 400 million pounds (0.1%).

4 – Support non-economic lines (railway) billion pounds (0.3%).

5 – Support for health insurance for students 351 million pounds (0.1%).

6 – Support health insurance for women with 166 million pounds (0.1%).

7 – Support of health insurance for children under school age 227 million pounds (0.1%).

8. Support for health insurance for non-disabled (comprehensive health insurance) 252 million pounds (0.1%).

9- Supporting the health insurance for the non-able (of social security pensioners) by one billion pounds (0.3%).

10 – Support of health insurance on the peasants 100 million pounds.

11 – Social Security pension 18 billion and 500 million pounds (5.6%).

12 – Child pension of 70 million pounds.

13 – Social benefits of 178 million pounds (0.1%).

14. Contributions to pension funds amounted to 82 billion and 200 million (25.1%).

15 – Treatment of citizens of the Arab Republic of Egypt 6 billion and 622 million pounds (2.0%).

16. Other social benefits: LE 2 billion and 37 million (0.6%).

17 – Grants and assistance 13 billion and 793 million pounds (4.2%).

It should be noted that the estimates of "support, grants and social benefits" in the draft budget for the fiscal year 2020/2019, about 327 billion and 699 million pounds (5.3% of GDP), compared to 328 billion pounds and 291 million, by reducing the capacity of only 592 million pounds (0.2%) than the budgeted appropriation.

The components of subsidies, grants and social benefits are divided into (commodity subsidies, support and grants for social services, support and grants for development, support and grants for economic activities, total appropriations, support reserves and various assistance).

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