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4 golden rules for fresh and smooth skin like children

Women and miscellaneous

There are many girls who believe that the secret to getting a fresh and beautiful skin is to buy expensive skin care products, but those who do not know that there are simple actions that may destroy the skin and vice versa are very simple things have a wonderful effect on the skin, food.ndtv"As follows:

Remove make-up

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The golden rule for a perfect skin is to remove make-up and avoid sleep. Olive oil can be used as a natural makeup remover and will hydrate the skin at the same time.

Peeling skin

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Do not forget to peel your skin once or twice a week, as peeling helps remove dead skin.

Playing sports

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Exercise not only keeps the body agility, it also accelerates blood flow, which cleanses the body and is positively reflected on your skin.

Take enough hours to sleep

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I tried to grow at least 8 hours every night, because keeping up and not taking enough hours affects your skin.


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