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Pictures .. Naga Atiya residents of Sohag demanding the replacement and renovation of the pedestrian bridge

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A real problem is the suffering of the people of Naja Atiya of the village of Jalawiya in the center of Sakhalta in the province of Sohag, which is about 10 thousand people, which is a breakdown of the pedestrian bridge in the park and there is no other where the bridge has been built self-effort for many years and it has no aspects and unpaved and in addition to lower than Causing a great danger to the people in the case of floods leading to the drowning of houses around in addition to the occurrence of many accidents because of the lack of aspects and needs to be replaced and renewed.

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The people of Al-Naga are living in constant fear and anxiety for fear of the collapse of the bridge, especially since it connects the village and the village, and there is no other. They have tried very hard to make many complaints to the officials of the governorate and irrigation without success, which threatens their lives. The bridge is driven by cars and others and falls at any time. People are also at risk because of lack of aspects.

The "seventh day" met with a number of people Naga Atiya of the village of Jalawiya Sohag governorate, where Eid Al-Sharif and Asaad Abd al-Radhi and Glouche Abdo Mohamed that the bridge represents the people of the grave great danger to the people as it was built by self-efforts of years and has no aspects and low as The floods in 94 dumped houses and towns because of its decline. In addition to the fact that the bridge is weak and collapsing at any time, it is the only bridge that is efficient and has been used for tens of years and many people have been affected by accidents and falls in the bank due to lack of aspects.

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The people added that they submitted many complaints to officials in the Directorate of Irrigation and Conservation for a long time and promised officials to include in the plan without success and did not respond to them as they live in anxiety and tension because of the seriousness of the bridge and fear of collapse and fall at any time demanding officials to intervene quickly and respond to their demands to replace and renew the bridge Or the construction of a new bridge serving the people of good.

For his part, Eng. Tareq Al-Labban, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Irrigation in Sohag, said that he commissioned the Irrigation Engineer at the Directorate to move to the bridge site for inspection on the ground, and to discuss the complaint of the people and take the necessary procedures legally and receive a report on the condition of the bridge.

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Abdel Moneim Abdul Qani, head of the local unit of the center and city of Sakalta, said that he was charged with the transfer of one of the officials to the bridge Naga Attieh and the inspection of the bridge and the possibility of consideration included in the next plan for its replacement and renewal of the people not to be dangerous.

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