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Details of the recycling of stones on the seabed to diamonds

science and technology

Did you know that the diamond in your finger is made from the recycled sea floor deep in the earth, where the traces of salt trapped in many diamonds show that the stones are formed from the old seabed.

According to the site "phys", during experiments to restore the severe pressures and temperatures found 200 kilometers underground, Dr. Michael Forster, Professor Stephen Foley, Dr. Olivier Allard and colleagues at the University of Goethe and the University of Johannes Gothenburg in Germany, that the sea water Found in sediments from the bottom of the earth interact in the right way to produce a balance of salts found in diamonds.

"There was a theory that the salts trapped in diamonds came from seawater but could not be tested, but with recent experiments our research showed that they came from marine sediments," says Forster, the lead author. . "

Diamonds are carbon crystals formed under the earth's crust in very old parts of the mantle, brought to the surface in a special volcanic eruption of magma called kimberlite. While diamonds made of precious stones are usually made of pure carbon, The so-called fibrous diamonds, a kind of cloudy and less attractive in jewelry, often contains small traces of sodium, potassium and other minerals that reveal information about the environment in which they formed.

Fibrous diamonds grow more quickly than diamond gems, which means that they hold small samples of fluid around them during formation. "We realized that there was some kind of saline to be present during the growth of the diamonds, and now we are sure that the sediment is suitable for it, "He said.

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