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4 reasons to exacerbate the divisions of the internal community .. know it


Taha Ali, a political researcher, said that there were several reasons that led to increased confusion within the Brotherhood and its alliance. He pointed out that with the group being exposed to the crisis of the disappearance of leaders from the scene and the fall of the international organization of the Brotherhood under the control of Qatari money and the Turkish authority, The last of a number of members of the lower ranks of the group to replace the first and second row men, the latest state of confusion within the organization.

The political researcher added that the control of the Qatari and Turkish money on the Muslim Brotherhood indicates the state of confusion and the large number of crises that occur daily among the members of the group, especially the fugitives abroad.

Dr. Taha Ali pointed out that one of the reasons for the aggravation of the internal crises of the group is the absence of the symbols of the group and its historical leaders. The leaders of the intermediate leaders, in addition to the expatriate personalities of the group such as Ayman Nour, the announcer Mohammed Nasser and Maataz Matar, all jumped to the façade due to the intertwining of interests In the forefront of the scene and they lead roles, and the associated situation of conflict on vacant positions, which often generated grudges and congestion among the majority members of the group, followed: it explains the phenomenon of conflict over positions and material gains among members of the group in the recent period.

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