Against the unknown .. Suicide or killed .. The relationship of the composer Baligh Hamdi with the death of Moroccan singer Samira Mellian
In the world of crime there is nothing complete, a static theory that does not move over time, but there are always fancies for every rule. There are murders that penetrated that theory and were restricted against an unknown person. Years passed, and the perpetrator was not known. Its heroes may be politicians, artists and public figures. Ordinary citizens, but the details of which remained a mystery to police officers, and in most cases prompted them to keep the case under the name of "against unknown".
"The seventh day "series" against unknown "during the holy month of Ramadan, we reveal the most prominent issues that included a lot of excitement and stories, whether the heroes of public figures or artists or citizens, in the following lines we monitor a number of those crimes that puzzled the police and not reached The identity of the offender.
"The killing of Moroccan singer Samira Mellian"
Samira Mellian is a young Moroccan singer who has long dreamed of richness and widespread fame, but her family rejected those dreams and dreams and insisted on marrying her in the fifteenth year to rid themselves of the dreams of their young daughter.
Samira Mellian got her divorce from her husband and then traveled to France. There, she began to harass you with Arabs living there and singing at concerts that are held almost permanently until some of them persuaded her to travel to Egypt to get her fame and fame.
Samira Millian entered the artistic center from the widest of its doors, through the famous musician Baligh Hamdi, the most famous composer of Egyptian and Arab then, and at the same time was staying in his home something like concerts, and in those buses was attending all the stars and celebrities of the community, In that collection, her voice will be broadcast quickly, and this is what has already happened, as it was with the first concert of the party was praised and admired by everyone.
On one night, in one of the concerts organized by Balig Hamdi for his guests and celebrities in the world of art, Baligh Samira introduced and then told everyone his desire to sleep, it was strange and amazing, at least for those who know his eloquence and passion for art, He will not leave a fancy party like this and go to sleep, as the concert is held in his house, and he is said to sleep for only one hour and then came out in front of everyone in front of the screaming scream – the body of Samira Malyan – was found under the balcony Baligh Hamdi.
After finding Samira's body completely naked under the balcony of Baligh Hamdi, the famous composer disappeared to this day, amid rumors between the suicide of the rising artist, and the involvement of Balig Hamdi in killing, to bring a new case against an unknown.

One of the films that represented the story of the death of the rising artist

Baligh Hamdi with his wife

Balig Hamdy is a group of artists
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