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6 goals for the government in its plan for the year 19/2020 .. most notably the stabilization of prices


The Government of Dr. Mustafa Madbouli in the Development Plan for 19/2020 aims to achieve a number of goals in the field of social development.

According to the government's plan submitted to parliament, there are six goals the government is seeking to achieve:

1: reducing the population growth rate from 2.56% in 2017 to 2.3% in 19/2020.

2: Reduce illiteracy rate from 25.8% in 2017 to 24.5% in 19/20203.

3: stabilize prices so that the general inflation rate drops from 13.8% in 17/18 to 28% in 19/2020.

4: reducing the proportion of people under poverty from 32.5% in 17/18 to 28% in 19/2020.

5: Reduce the economic and social disparities between the various regions of the Republic so that the gap in poverty rates does not exceed 20 percentage points between governorates.

6: Increase the participation of females and young people in the labor force to narrow the qualitative and age gap in unemployment rates.

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