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Prosecutors refer a Malawian school worker to trial for membership in a terrorist group

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The administrative prosecution in Malawia ordered the transfer of a worker at the Mallawi secondary school for urgent prosecution and ordered the accountability of administrative officials in the same school administratively because of the involvement of the former in the commission of terrorist crimes in the Balmawi area in the case No. 138 of 2015, And the failure of the rest of the defendants to take action towards the interruption of the first work as of 28/8/2016, which resulted in the payment of money to him without right.

The Administrative Prosecution in Malawi began its investigations in its case No. 236 of 2109 before Counselor Hazem Abdel Hakim, under the supervision of Counselor Ahmed Abdel Salam Ali, Deputy Chairman of the Commission, Director of Prosecution, regarding the fact that the personnel officials did not take the procedures towards leaving the first accused on 27/8/2016 The next day, which resulted in the disbursement of funds unjustly during the interruption, as well as accused of committing a number of criminal crimes and 138 for the year 2015.

Investigations revealed that the accused was arrested while working on 27/8/2016. Since then, he has been imprisoned in the aforementioned case for his involvement with others in several criminal offenses. He deliberately destroyed two buildings designated for government interests (the Malawi Traffic Unit The Ministry of Education) fired gunshots into the air from the firearms he was holding at the time, causing damage to them. He stole the movables owned by the Ministry of the Interior building, the Al-Ghattas and Jihad school building Ministry of Agriculture The Church of the Evangelical Church and the Holy Family Church of the Catholic Copts by way of coercion of the workers by firing heavy shots of firearms in possession of others with the intention of breaking into the buildings mentioned above, deliberately jeopardized the means of land transport to disrupt its functioning and cut the highway, He obtained and armed himself with automatic weapons (automatic rifles), unarmed weapons (individual rifles and cartridges) and their ammunition, which may not be authorized to be held or obtained.

The investigations also revealed that the officials of the school staff did not notify the official of the profession of leaving the first accused to work, and not to sign the exit book on 27/8/2016 and his interruption on the following day so that the necessary measures could be taken towards stopping the accused's salary. To him without right.

The Prosecution concluded its preliminary decision to refer the first accused to a disciplinary trial, as well as the administrative personnel affairs. The prosecution also ordered the administrative authority to implement the instructions to recover the first defendant unlawfully.

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