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Misuse of parks and parks by Sheikh Zayed disturbs some people

Citizen journalism

The reader sent Sayed Shawqi a complaint to the citizen press on the seventh day of the misuse of parks and parks Sheikh Zayed, where the courtyard of the park adjacent to the first neighborhood adjacent to the center of the Pearl.

The reader said in a message, "People are sleeping in the fetus and eat it, spread it and spread the potatoes in the first neighborhood, especially the area around the Pearl Center." He called on the Sheikh Zayed Authority to move quickly and remove the encroachments so that people in the area and neighboring areas can travel in these places.

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The Citizen Press Service also provides the possibility to request readers from the "Day Seven" team to cover an event or investigate a problem encountered by a reader or issue of concern to a sector of citizens or to detect a lack of services, or to publish a complaint or distress or correct news or information on the site , Or send videos or photos of your event and will be published on your name on the seventh day.

The "Seventh Day" editors, along with the readers directly in different places in Cairo and the governorates, continue to call on their dear readers to share their grievances and problems through the application of Wats Ab on 01280003799, Each week, to listen to their complaint and record it for publication on the website.

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Sheikh Zayed

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