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If you smoke, these foods need your body to get rid of toxins

Health and Medical

After quitting smoking, the body needs a specific diet to strengthen the immune system again, and to try to repair the lung, which has been badly damaged by pollution and cigarette smoke.

The first risk that smoking may cause is lung cancer, and can cause chronic cough, lung infections, lung cancer and more.

According to the site "boldsky"It's important to clean your body naturally of nicotine and toxins from smoking, by relying on some effective plant foods that will help you treat the damage caused by smoking.

Eat some of them after you quit smoking
Eat some of them after you quit smoking

1. Carrot juice:

It will remove toxins from your body and all toxins in your blood as well as from your organs, carrot juice is rich in vitamins A And C And K And B Which will repair your body and heal it, and regular consumption of the islands will enhance your body's natural defenses.

2. Spinach Green:

Spinach helps remove toxins from your blood. Spinach is rich in many vitamins and folic acid, which will help you avoid cigarette cravings and contain plenty of antioxidants that reduce cancer.

Spinach "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2019/5/21/10391- Spinach. Jpg "style =" height: 309px; width: 550px; "title =" Spinach

3. Broccoli:

One of the important green foods after quitting smoking is that it will cleanse your lungs of many toxic substances, including nicotine. It is also rich in sulfonafran, which helps to heal the lungs.

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4. Cinnamon and Ginger:

Chewing a small piece of cinnamon eliminates the cravings to get a cigarette, and works to resist your appetite also in smoking. It also cleanses the mucus in the lungs and contains antioxidants that can get rid of toxins caused by smoking.

5. Bodybuilding:

Ginseng is often known to be effective in weight loss and has been shown to be effective in reducing cravings for nicotine. However ginseng is not recommended every day, you can only consume it 3 to 4 times a month.

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