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Facebook and Twitter delete Iranian accounts and pages deceived users

science and technology

Facebook and Twitter are cracking down on more bogus accounts in Iran. Some people have defamed Republicans in the United States on Twitter and used Facebook to communicate with journalists and policymakers to explain how social networks can be abused to mislead others and disseminate information. Wrong.

According to the site cnet The United States, Facebook announced that it had canceled 51 accounts and 36 pages and seven groups linked to Iran, and Facebook, which also owns InStagram also removed three accounts on the application of sharing images famous.

Facebook and Iran
Facebook and Iran

In early May, it removed more than 2,800 fake accounts linked to Iran, the company said. The company took part in the remarks after the US Cyber ​​Security Company FireEye A report showing how some Twitter accounts were used to appear, such as those of US political candidates, and to push pro-Iranian political messages.

A spokeswoman was criticized FireEyeTwitter reported that it did not share its results with the company before the report was published. "Our investigations into these accounts are ongoing," she said.

Nathaniel Gleacher, head of Facebook's cyber security policy, said the company had deleted the accounts linked to Iran because of "offending behavior," meaning that people behind the accounts had deceived users about who they were and what they were doing.

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