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The daughter of the housewife who died at the bottom of the train of the Ayyat: she warned her about the arrival of the train but did not notice

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The family of the housewife who was killed under the wheels of the railway train in the Ayyat area received her body after the investigations of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the burial permit were confirmed and there was no criminal suspicion about the incident.

The prosecution heard the statements of the daughter of the deceased who worked as a nurse in the general hospital, who said that she was with her mother during the incident and that she tried to cross from a hole near the railway crossing, while the train was on its way to enter the area.

The girl said in her testimony to the investigators that she tried to alert her mother not to cross because of the approaching train, but did not notice her and crossed the road and surprised the train and shocked, resulting in her death.

The rescue room in Giza received a report that a housewife was killed as a result of a train colliding with her in Ayat. Investigators moved to the scene of the incident and, during the investigation, it was found that a housewife crossing the railway was hit by a train.

And issued a report of the incident, and notified Major General Reza Al-Omda Director of the General Department of Giza Investigation, and the prosecution took over the investigation.

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