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A person who performs the religious exam in a committee of technical diplomas in Sayyida Zeinab and escapes immediately upon discovery

Egyptian reports

Students of the certificate of completion of the study of diplomas of technical schools (industrial – agricultural – commercial – hotel), this morning, the first round exams for the academic year 2018/2019, where students are taking the exam Arabic language.

The Chamber did not receive any complaints about the difficulty of the questions or the existence of errors, whether typographical or technical, as the operating room observed a number of observations including:

Committee No. (1466) Ms. Zeinab secondary vocational boys: In contact with the Chairman of the Committee reported that: He entered the Committee to a stranger to perform the examination of Islamic religious education instead of the student "M" specialty furniture Carpentry, and immediately after the discovery of the alternative student fled the Committee They were unable to hold him and legal action was taken.

Committee No. (3303) Alexandria Agricultural: student integration of Christian religious education did not reach the school papers for the student exam and the examination papers were filmed from another committee and the student took the exam.

Committee No. (1021) Mustafa Kamel Industrial Secondary School in Alexandria: A Christian religious education student did not arrive to the school papers for the student exam and the examination papers were filmed from another committee and the student took the exam.

Committee No. (461) Kafr Shoukr Industrial Boys: Student "A.F" specialty electronics shredded Islamic religious education paper was addressed to the Department and sent legal affairs to investigate the incident.

Committee No. (3246) Agricultural High School famous: fire near the wall of the Commission and the adjacent college was control of the fire without any injuries and did not affect the course of the exam.

Committee No. (3165) Al-Santah Elementary Establishment: A question envelope was submitted on the integration system of the Tourism Services Division to the Chairman of the Traffic Committee. The questions were not distributed to the student..

(t) Technical Education (t) Technical Studies (t) Technical Studies (t) Technical Studies (t)

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