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Watch how Zamalek prepare in Morocco to face the rise of a volcano in the final Confederation

Watch how Zamalek prepare in Morocco to face the rise of a volcano in the final ConfederationNews Sports

Zamalek, led by Swiss Christian Gross, will continue their preparations in Morocco to face the renaissance of the volcano on Sunday in the final leg of the final leg of the African Confederation.

The Zamalek team arrived in Morocco early Friday to prepare for the eruption of the Moroccan volcano. The white team played their first match on Sunday in a stadium in Saidiya, Morocco, to play the last training session on the pitch.

Mahmoud Hamdy Al-Wensh, defender of the white, without the nose barrier, appeared after training in Cairo before traveling to Morocco to "face mask" after the injury suffered by the nose in the meeting of the Tigris Valley in the league, which ended with a white win with two goals without a response, The match was played by Mohamed Abdel Ghani instead.

Zamalek striker Youssef Obama also appeared wearing a shoe marked "CR7" in reference to Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo.

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