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Use Ramadan to clean the liver

Health and Medical

The liver is one of the most important members of the body responsible for cleaning and detoxification accumulated inside the body, and you can use the month of Ramadan in this matter, and during this report will learn about the best ways to contribute to clean the liver, according to the site " webmd"He said.

Exercise daily contributes heavily to liver cleansing, so exercise daily for 15 minutes.

– Eat large amounts of water daily contributes greatly to the elimination of toxins located within the body in general, and inside the liver in particular.

– Stay away from eating junk food, because it contains a high proportion of fat that accumulate in the body and is heavily deposited on the liver.

– The quality of food intake of the most important things that a person should pay attention to the quality of food intake, more than foods rich in fiber, because it helps the liver to clean quickly, you can eat vegetables and fruits, and daily a large dish of green salad.

– Eat a large amount of magnesium metal, because it helps to expel toxins, and you can find it in fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, melons, melon seeds, okra, pine, almonds and cocoa.

– Keep away from places where there are exhaust cars or insecticides, because they cause the accumulation of toxins in the body.

– Milk cup daily works to purify the body, reduce the incidence of accumulation of toxins in the body.

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– liver cleanse

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