Technology will affect human life in 2069
Over the next 50 years, life will change completely. By 2069, our lives and our world can change more than in the entire history of mankind. A combination of environmental challenges, dramatic developments in science and technology, and unimaginable ideas will come together To change life and society beyond our dreams, here are the highlights of the changing environment.
Human life
Medical developments will eliminate major diseases such as cancer. The Amazon store will have some human parts, such as faster brains, x-ray vision and superpower, where people may live for 150 years and beyond.
The new reality
AI, AR, VR, and some techniques such as active skin, smelly video, and stereoscopic images are known to enable us to change how we perceive our actual impact.
Students will be continuously monitored by AI which will provide additional explanation and guidance during formal instruction through simulations and AR / VR.
World of work
"Artificial Intelligence" and its successors will turn from super-intelligence to create many innovations such as planted buildings, submerged cities and brainstorming. Most routine tasks will be carried out by robotics and technology.
The environment
After the major environmental and climatic disasters of the 1920s and 1930s, the planet became a priority with an emphasis on emissions and waste and its impacts on humans. The impact of each activity can now be monitored and no new product or service can be introduced if it has a negative impact.
Economy and Entertainment
Important technologies will be used in the public domain and licensed to companies. Many companies will be fully staffed. About 75% of all businesses will be state owned, with profits shared by all. Governments will provide citizens with guaranteed basic income and a range of free services. One universal digital currency.
Aircraft that do not emit any emissions can fly from London to New York in less than two hours or we can visit the Galapagos Islands at home via the multi-sensory virtual reality.
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