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Start the plenary session of the parliament to discuss the fight against drugs


The session of the House of Representatives chaired by Dr. Ali Abdel-Al started. The session is scheduled to discuss the report of the joint committee of the constitutional and legislative affairs committee and the committee of health affairs committee on a draft law submitted by the government to amend some provisions of Law No. 182 of 1960 regarding combating drugs and regulating their use and trade. .

The Committee stressed in its report that the proposed draft law was in line with the provisions of the Constitution, the relevant legal texts and international conventions. It also stressed the need for all parties to the Egyptian society to unite in combating and reducing the phenomenon of drug abuse and abuse. The rapid and successive changes to the danger of these synthetic innovations, especially voodoo and estrox, which are now cast a shadow over the state's efforts to preserve the wealth of its youth – future leaders – as well as future generations

The report said that in the light of the growing problem of drugs and the rapid spread of new psychological effects, as well as the use of dangerous criminal elements of many items not listed on international watch lists or tables attached to the National Drug Law by adding to plants and other materials to obtain the same effect of drugs, The dumping of markets and impunity, in light of the lack of awareness of these substances in the tables referred to, and the increased risk of substance abuse. The current legislative process was not sufficient to meet the rapid and successive changes in the risk of adverse effects Told him it has become necessary to confront this phenomenon, legislative intervention is crucial, which called on the legislature to intervene through the legislative proposal of the bill before.

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