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Schubert: the ruling the invalidation of the elections of the Union of Complementary Ball "big lie"

News Sports

Ahmed Shubair, Vice President of the Football Federation, responded to the news that the ruling of the Settlement and Arbitration Center on the invalidation of the complementary elections of the Football Federation, which resulted in his victory and Dina Rifai as a member of Al-Jablaya,

"What was circulated yesterday about the invalidity of the supplementary elections is a big lie," Ahmed Shubair wrote on his social networking site Twitter. "The ruling was extended to May 26 on the (urgent part). Even if the nullification is approved, the matter is returned to the substantive issue."

Schubert "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2019/5/13/18652- Schubert. Png "title =" Schubert

Ahmed Chubert won the post of Vice President after the resolution of the seat of membership in Jabalia.

(t) التقويم (t) التقويم (t) التقويم المسيحية (t) Dina Rifai (t)

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