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Reader Khaled Fouad writes: Revolution of conscience

Citizen journalism

We need a revolution of conscience in which we regain the essence of the authentic Egyptian spirit that has faded away from us as we have prepared our will and have the right to decide our destiny.

If the hopes are on President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to move us towards the future, the man does not have a magic wand to achieve the impossible without effort or work in the shadow of corruption consciences and the presence of people accustomed to enrich through positions and they have to be the people's mercy and do not prey to the people's money.

Egypt is in its most beautiful form after its beauty was hidden behind a dark era. God wanted to remove his injustice before Egypt lost forever. Does time stop at this joy and plunge in its honey and wake up after that? We lost the last chance to lift our country out of poverty and disease and backwardness. Advanced?

Egypt does not lack the elements that support any of its people whose roots are rooted in the depths of history. All we have to do is work. The president we have chosen with all his patriotism, his love for this country and his sincere desire to achieve progress and prosperity for Egypt will not be able to Take one step in a way towards the future without being with him, hand in hand extends the spirit of vigor in our parts and each of us in the circle of his life concludes the work for Egypt and for the future of all of us a thing of conscience and a sincere desire to achieve a real achievement in a standard time can achieve the impossible.

Egypt is facing internal and external challenges that include the security and economic aspects and represent mines that threaten the growth rate of GDP and inflation rates.

Certainly the state is responsible for dealing with these files, but the government must have written on it to come on a hot tin to have a public dahir supporting its decisions, which must be bold to address the distortions suffered by the state budget, especially the issue of support and access to those who need it.

Khaled Fouad

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