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Q and C .. What is dry eye and how to discover your injury?

Health and Medical

Eye dryness is a common health problem that affects many people, where the eye becomes dry and there is not enough tears, through a set of questions and answers we learn more about eye dryness, according to the site "American Optics Association" american optometric association.

Dry eye
Dry Eye

Q: What is dry eye?

A: Dry eye is a condition in which the person does not have enough tears to soften the eye. Tears are necessary to maintain the health of the front surface of the eye and to provide a clear vision. Dry eye is a common and often chronic problem, especially in older adults.

With each blink of the eyelids, tears spread through the front surface of the eye, known as the cornea. Tears provide eye lubrication, reduce the risk of eye injury, wash foreign matter, dust and dirt in the eye and keep the eye surface smooth and transparent.

Excessive tears in the eyes flow into small drainage channels in the inner corners of the eyelids, which pour into the back of the nose, and dry eye can occur when the production of tears and drainage is unbalanced.

People with dry eye do not produce enough tears or have few tears.

Droplets to treat eye dryness
Droplets to treat eye dryness

Q: What are the symptoms of dry eye?

People with dry eye may experience symptoms other than a lack of tears in the eye, including irritation and irritation of the eye, a feeling of scratching or itching in the eye, blurred vision, feeling something in their eyes, and eye dryness in advanced cases may damage the front surface of the eye and impair vision.

Q: What causes eye dryness?

A: Dry eye can develop for several reasons, including:

– Old age, where dry eye is part of the aging process, the majority of people over the age of 65 suffer from some symptoms of dry eye.

-Gen, women are more likely to develop eye dryness due to hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives and menopause.

Some medications, including antihistamines, antidepressants, blood pressure medications and antidepressants, can reduce the production of tears.

Some diseases, people with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and thyroid problems are more likely to have symptoms of dry eye, and problems with eyelid inflammation, inflammation of the eye surfaces, or turning of eyelids to the inside or outside can cause eye dryness.

– Environmental conditions, exposure to smoking, wind and dehydration may lead to increased evaporation of tears, leading to symptoms of dry eye.

– Sticking to the computer screen for long periods of time, can also contribute to eye dryness.

– Long-term use of contact lenses can be a factor in the development of eye dryness.

Treatment of dry eye
Treatment of dry eye

Q: What is the treatment of eye dryness?

A: The basic methods used to treat eye dryness include the following:

– Adding tears by using drops without a prescription and treatment of eyelids or eye surface, which contributes to eye dryness.

– Maintaining natural tears in the eyes longer can reduce the symptoms of eye dryness, and can be done by blocking the tear ducts with small silicone plugs or gel-like materials that can be removed, if necessary or performing surgery can close the tear ducts Permanently, in either case, the goal is to keep the tears available in the eye to reduce dry eye problems.

– Eye doctor can prescribe eye drops that increase the production of tears, may help eating dietary supplements of omega-3 fatty acids as well.

– Treatment of eyelid inflammation or inflammation of the surface of the eye.

Wear outdoor sunglasses, especially those that have wrapped frames, to reduce exposure to dry wind and sun.

– Dietary supplements containing essential fatty acids may help reduce the symptoms of eye dryness in some people.

(tt) Health (t) Health (t) Symptoms of eye dryness (t) Treatment of eye dryness (t) Dry eye

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