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President of the University of Assiut arrested 3 in fact robbing the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

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Dr. Tarek El Gammal, President of Assiut University, issued a number of critical measures following the success of the security services in identifying the perpetrators of the theft of the office of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University.

The President of the University of Assiut issued a decision to stop three people from working from officials at various locations, after the official investigation authorities accused them of the theft and also raise funds for the purpose of fictitious employment until the conclusion of the relevant authorities of the investigation.

The President of the University of Assiut also issued his decision to form a committee for the inventory of the office of the secretary of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in order to find out the contents of the Office of official papers and documents in preparation for the resumption of work and maintain regularity.

Dr. Tarek El-Gammal, President of Assiut University, stressed that the investigation of the incident is carried out by the official authorities concerned with the cooperation and continuous coordination of the university administration, which comes out of the University's keenness to eliminate all forms of corruption and not to cover any elements offensive to the reputation of the university. Any attempt to get out of the law or financial or administrative excesses with all firmness and strength.

Major General Jamal Shukr, director of the Assiut security department, received a notification from the head of the Assiut Police Department stating that a letter was received from Nasser al-Duwaini, director of security department at Assiut University.

In the course of the investigation, it was found that one of the employees of the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine was behind the accident, and that he had stolen two laptop computers and some files and documents from inside the office.


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