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Nostalgia Ramadan .. The most beautiful stories of loyalty in the series of friends production in 2002

Women and miscellaneous

One of the best television dramas that dealt with the importance of the friend in the life of every human being. Watching this series makes you wish to meet in life this kind of true friendship, it is the greatest thing that happens to you in life.

The events within the series and the relationship of friends with each other make you feel that you live with them and that you are one of the members of these stories or represent you to a large extent whether they love some or their problems and differences. The author Karam Najjar three friends of the sons of one village with a very strong relationship, who lived their childhood together and were colleagues in All stages of education in the school, and then dispersed because of university study and changes and concerns of life and how each took a different direction of each other, the first "Raafat" became a judge in the Criminal Court.

Friends (1)

Friends (2)

The artist, Mohamed Wafik, presented the character of the friendly friend and the trustee of the law and the achievement of justice since he took the post of judge, and the second scientist in the research of corn, and the flag was all his life, and presented by the artist Salah al-Saadani, the third is "Hassan Abu-Sunna" and presented by Farouk Al-Fishawi, And left the chaos and worked as a "composite", and was spending the sweetest time in the boat Nile, and the great director Ismail Abdel Hafiz new faces of the Egyptian drama Tamer Yousry and Nour Kadri.

Friends (3)

After that comes one of the most important elements of the success of the series is the poems and songs of Tatar, which talked about everything about the friend and his rights to his friend and loyalty and love and maintain ten friendship, the words of the great poet Sayed Rajab and composed by Yasser Abdel Rahman crossed in a great way, and left a great impact on the feelings of the public, And entered the hearts of the masses through the voice of the wonderful Mohammed Kandil, everyone who hears them recaptures the memories and the most beautiful times that used to combine the friends of the old "O friend of my life, my memories, you treasure my days tearing my life."

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. (tagsToTranslate) Ramadan Series (t) مسلسل الاصدقاء (t) شهر رمضان (t) نوستالجيا

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