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Malhash in art .. syndrome causing fainting and insanity if you notice paintings

Health and Medical

"Stendhal Syndrome" is a strange, bizarre psychological illness that causes the patient to experience serious physical symptoms. When he sees beauty, he may reach a loss of consciousness. This strange condition is called "beauty attack" According to the site "psychologytoday"

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What is Stendhal Syndrome?

One of the most unusual psychological disorders that a person may encounter is physical illness and Stendhal syndrome, also known as Florence syndrome and hypercalcemia. The catalyst for her appearance is the art of art that the individual perceives as beautiful and all in one place, such as art galleries.

Stendhal syndrome

When individuals affected by focused art work are exposed, they suffer from a wide range of symptoms, including:

– Physical and emotional anxiety.

– Increased heart rate.

– Severe dizziness.


– Confusion and nausea.

– Temporary memory loss.


– hallucinations and "madness" temporary.

Very tired.

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This is why it is called by this name

It was named after the French author Henry Marie Bell, best known as Stendhal, who described in detail his harsh experience in a nineteenth-century book, Naples and Florence, where he went on a trip from Milan to Reggio to watch the art of Florence in the Italian Renaissance Named Florence syndrome), when Stendhal visited the Cathedral of Cruz in Florence and for the first time saw famous frescoes that were very excited and throbbed in the heart and ran away before losing consciousness.

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