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Let's hope .. Know the tips of billionaire Richard Branson to start a new business?

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Everyone dreams of richness, but certainly none of the world's billionaires won the lottery prizes, but they turned those dreams into reality, by working hard, making some decisions and taking advantage of little luck.

Richard Robinson said his advice to people who started out as business people was to find what they liked and were not afraid to ask for help. The biggest advice is to start small, but you have to think carefully, as we should not lose sight of expanding our business, according to British newspaper Daily Mail .

Richard Branson

It is not too late to start a business, and leaving work, whether for retirement or otherwise, gives us a wonderful opportunity. If you have the experience and you think about starting a company, that is certainly a good idea.

First advice .. Do what you love, where you have enough experience to know what you like to do, so you are in an ideal position to try your passion for an idea to work on the ground.

The second advice is to get out of the idea of ​​an employee. Creating a company is difficult for new entrepreneurs, so you should actually seek and rest until you reach your goal, meet many people, and learn as much as possible. Ideas, market understanding and risk management.

Tip 3: Do not be afraid to ask for help. The more years you experience, the more you realize that things come and go and that everyone has a rise and fall, and that we all need little help at times.

He added that a feasible challenge is easy, but the idea must be turned into reality. I may be 66 years old, but I have no intention of slowing down. I always take advantage of opportunities to meet challenges.

(tagsToTranslate) Richard Branson (t) billionaire Richard Branson (t) Business challenges (t) in a new business (t) Get rich

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