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Le Jalk Colic Learn the difference between the "gas" wrench and appendicitis

Health and Medical

Acute abdominal pain has several causes and may be a symptom of a disease, and in most cases is caused by the accumulation of gas, but can also be a symptom of appendicitis, and must distinguish between the two, because the inflamed inflamed medical emergency threatening life, " webmd"He said.

Causes of abdominal pain

Pain may be caused by swallowing air while eating or drinking. Gas can also accumulate in the digestive system due to the bacteria in the intestines that break down food and release gases during digestion, which is often accompanied by abdominal pain.

Symptoms of appendicitis

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The most common symptom of the appendicitis is sudden sharp pain that starts on the right side of the lower abdomen. It may also start near the sac and then move down the right side. The pain may be cramping at first, and may worsen when coughing, sneezing or moving..

The pain usually does not disappear until the inflamed appendix is ​​surgically removed.

– vomiting and nausea

– Low-grade fever

– diarrhea or constipation

– Abdominal distension


The severity of appendicitis

The risk of appendicitis is that if left untreated, it ruptures the appendage may take between 36 and 72 hours before the appendix explosion, in some cases, the time frame can be shorter This is why it is important Take these early symptoms seriously.

Once the appendectomy bursts, bacteria inside the appendage can seep into the abdominal cavity, causing inflammation and infection. This is called peritonitis.

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Symptoms of peritonitis

– Pain throughout the abdomen

– Do not get worse with movement or touch

– vomiting and nausea

– Blower

– diarrhea or constipation

– Desire to pass gas

– Chills and chills

These symptoms may persist until treatment begins and may worsen with each passing hour.

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