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In Egypt .. But the largest mass breakfast in the world and the people of rain: the summit of Haniyeh enough 100

Women and miscellaneous

If you pass a street in the rainforest, specifically in Ezbet Hamada, you can see a long street decorated with a variety of colors, and the lanterns of Ramadan in different shapes, whether paper or wood or sheet, illuminated by bulbs, with the sounds of dishes and smoke and the smell of food from fried to grilled over the street To get to the top of the houses, and as you listen to sentences such as "free of you," "drop the dish here," "organize the trip there," and other sentences to urge others to participate in the preparation of travel in the street in preparation for breakfast, a habit used by people This region annually.

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The children and young people are quick to help the women distribute food dishes on the trip from the first street to the last, in addition to the distribution of the various Ramadan drinks from Subia and Indian dates and others, and chanting congratulations on the occasion of Ramadan, to meet in different classes waiting to hear the Azan of Morocco, Minutes of eating, women and girls are keen to collect the dishes of the trip, and distribute them to the houses to wash, while young people are doing their part in collecting garbage and cleaning the street and remove the tables, and find the elderly and neighbors chanting congratulations again, and wish to return them back to the good of righteousness Next fluorescence.

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. (tagsToTranslate) Rainfall (t) Ezbet Hamada (t) Variety News (t) Breakfast Meals

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