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For tomato farmers .. A package of measures for "agriculture" to increase production .. recognize them

Egyptian reports

The Central Administration of Horticultural Crops and Agricultural Crops has issued a series of technical measures and guidelines to increase the production of summer tomato and market supply during the month.

A report confirmed Agricultural crops , That of the most important Good operations In the follow-up to the tomato harvest, Continuing the service of the early summer crops of hoeing, irrigation and fighting, adding the last batch of fertilizer 200 kg of calcium nitrate or 150 kg of nitrate nitrate, regular irrigation with care not to reach water to the position of the fruit.

The Agricultural Crops Report added that Of the most important practices (200 kg sulfate + 50 kg sulphate potassium) per feddan for the regular summer meal, attention to fight tomato sodas and fruitworms, and start planting the late summer tomato paste in the West Delta.

Meanwhile, the General Administration of Vegetables, the central administration of orchards and agricultural crops in the Ministry of Agriculture, continues its traffic campaigns on all vegetables to increase the production offered in the markets and increase the quantitative and qualitative production during the current period.

(t) Agricultural crops (t) Tomato production (t) Agricultural extension (t) Horticultural crops

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