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Females are more able to pass sports tests in the freestyle

Health and Medical

A new study revealed new and exciting results in the comparison between men and women, stating that shutting down the air conditioner can improve the cognitive performance of office workers, but the opposite is true.

Women performed better in math tests at high room temperatures, but this was not the case for men, as they actually performed better on the same test when the room temperature was lower, the researchers said.

Previous surveys have found that women have better cognitive abilities when indoor temperatures are higher than men.

But the team, from college USC Marshall California Business Center WZB Berlin Of Social Sciences in Germany, says this study is the first to compare gender and temperature effect on cognitive performance.

Research has shown that there are scientific reasons for a continuing battle between the sexes. A study from the University of Utah found that women's limbs – their hands and legs – are twice as cold as men, making women more susceptible to cold.

Another researcher at the University of Maryland found that the metabolic rate in men was about 23 percent higher than that of women, meaning women's bodies were slower than men.

In the new study published in PLOS One, The team recruited more than 500 students between September 2017 and December 2017.

The results showed that female performance was better in math and speech tests when the room temperature was warmer, and not only answered more questions correctly, but they also provided more answers in general.

On the other hand, the performance of men better in the cold temperature, and when the temperature turned up, they answered fewer questions in general and less correctly.

However, temperature does not appear to have had an impact on the performance of logic tests for men or women.

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