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Eight people killed and injured in a car coup in Minya

News Provinces

On Monday, a woman was killed and seven others were injured after a car overturned on the western desert road at the Abu Bakrqas center in southern Minya..

Major General Magdy Amer, director of security of Minya, received a signal from the rescue operations, stating that a car was overturned on the western desert road at the entrance to the Abu Qurqas Center.

The transfer of the security forces headed by Major Hisham Ashqalani, head of the Center's investigations, shows that the car coup No. 58939 quarter of the transfer of Assiut, resulting in the death of "Jamila JT" 57-year-old housewife, and the injury of each of "Youssef A" 7 years, 38, the driver of the car, Soma Rag, 30, housewife, 10-year-old Inji, and her brother Yusuf, 6, and Yassin, 12, all of whom live in the village of Boit, Minia University and Mallawi General.

The examination shows the coup of the car because of the explosion of the front frame, and released from the record No. 8273 Misdemeanors Center Abu Qarqas,.

A student was killed when he was hit by a car in the village of Bani Hafez in the center of Mallawi. Mahmud J, a 15-year-old resident of al-Tabut village, was found dead. Criminal search for identification and seizure of the vehicle and the accused.

Minutes No. 7360 of Mallawi police station were released and the prosecution took over.

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