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After the approval of the "Legislative Parliament" .. Learn about the manner of appointing the heads of six judicial bodies


The Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approved a draft law submitted by the government to amend the Law of the Administrative Prosecution Authority No. 117 of 1958, the Law of the State Cases Authority No. 75 of 1963, the Military Justice Law No. 25 of 1966, For the year 72, and the Law of the State Council No. 47 of 1972.

The law defines the method of appointing the heads of six judicial bodies, namely the Administrative Prosecution, the State Prosecution, the President of the Council of State, the Court of Cassation, the Military Justice Commission and the Attorney General, in accordance with the constitutional amendments as follows:

Article (35): "The President of the Administrative Prosecution Authority shall be appointed by a decision of the President of the Republic from among the seven oldest Vice-Presidents of the Commission for a period of 4 years or For the remainder of the period until he reaches the retirement age, whichever is closer and for one time throughout his term of office. "

2: Amend the Law of the State Affairs Committee No. 75 of 1963, the amendment includes replacing the text of the second paragraph of Article (16) with the following text: "The President of the Commission shall be appointed by a decision of the President of the Republic of the oldest of the seven vice presidents of the Commission for a period of 4 years or for the remaining period Until he reaches retirement age, whichever is closer and one time throughout his term of office. "

Amendment of the Law of the State Council No. 47 of 1972, the draft law shall replace the text of the first paragraph of Article 83 with the following text: "The President of the Council of State shall be appointed from among the seven oldest Vice-Presidents of the Council for a period of four years or for the remainder of the term Retirement age whichever is closer and one time throughout his term. "

Article (55): The President of the Military Justice Commission shall be appointed by a decision of the President of the Republic from among the seven most senior Vice-Presidents of the Commission for a period of four years or until the completion of the role. To retire whichever is closer and one time throughout his term. "

The text of the second paragraph of Article 44 was amended by the draft law. The text reads as follows: "The President of the Court of Cassation shall be appointed by a decision of the President of the Republic from among the seven oldest Vice-Presidents of the Court for a term of four years or For the remainder of the period until he reaches retirement age whichever is closer and for one time throughout his term of office. "

The bill replaces the text of Article 119 of the Judicial Authority Law with the following text: "The Attorney-General shall be appointed by a decision of the President of the Republic out of three candidates nominated by the Supreme Judicial Council from among the Vice-Presidents of the Court of Cassation and the Presidents of the Courts of Appeal and the Assistant Attorneys. Years or for the remainder of the period until he reaches retirement age whichever is earlier and for one period throughout his term of office. The President of the Republic shall be informed of the names of the candidates at least 30 days before the end of the term of the Attorney General. Less than 3, or filtration of those who do not bend In accordance with the provisions mentioned in paragraph 1, the President of the Republic shall appoint the Attorney-General from among the incumbents mentioned in the first paragraph. "

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