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Video: Killed his friend and cut him saw and get rid of his body in two bags

Breaking news

The security services succeeded in uncovering the circumstances of finding human parts of a man in Alexandria and controlling the perpetrator of the incident.

The third police station in the park received the security department of Alexandria by finding 2 bags containing human parts of one of the people in two banks, in the village of Houd 12, leading to the vernacular canal, in the department section, with pieces of clothes he was wearing, as well as finding the amount of "4055 LE, 167 USD"He said.

The investigations of the research team, headed by the Public Security Sector and with the participation of the Alexandria Criminal Investigation Department, led to the identification of the victim as "unemployed – resident of the police department of the first park." The research team's efforts resulted in the fact that the incident "unemployed, age 34, resident" Park "was seized.

– Crimes

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