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Training of university youth on the latest technology programs in Kafr El-Sheikh and 50 scholarships for African students

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The University of Kafr El-Sheikh is organizing the "Afaq" initiative to train university youth on the latest technological programs that qualify them for the labor market, under the chairmanship of Dr. Majid Al-Qamri, Rector, in cooperation with the Institute of Information Technology.

The university announced in a statement that the training is available for Egyptian students registered for the second and third sections of the Faculty of Computer and Information, and select the student one of the following disciplines: Open Source Systems Development- Social media marketing.

Dr. Majid Al-Qamri, President of Kafr El-Sheikh University, said that Afaq aims to implement the initiative of the President of the Republic by preparing one million programmers. Programming is one of the languages ​​of the future and its most important tools and opportunities for future generations. Personal and administrative skills, and other skills necessary for the labor market, in order to improve the educational and electronic level of students and develop their abilities in line with the requirements of the local and global labor market.

Al-Qamri said in a statement that the university seeks to provide training opportunities for young people to help them master the programming language at their levels: the comprehensive web developer, the Android system developer, the front web interface developer, the data analyst, the cloud education path, the Java language R, In order to contribute to the creation of jobs for them, and to stimulate innovation and the manufacture of positive change and instill hope, stressing that the university is superior in the field of information technology, the minds of its researchers to keep pace with this rapid development in information technology through communication with the prestigious companies working in the field of software and communications to adopt student projects, And benefit from them in a way that benefits the students and the educational process.

On the other hand, Dr. Majid Al-Qamari, President of the University of Kafr El-Sheikha, decided to provide 50 scholarships to African students to study undergraduate and graduate studies at the university, stressing that the scholarships offered to students of African countries will be in accordance with the rules and conditions of the Supreme Council of Universities and will be presented in coordination with the Minister of Higher Education, In the African countries, pointing out that these grants come in line with the directions of the political leadership of the need to open a new horizon with Africa, and the signing of cooperation agreements between the University and African universities to train professors and students in university faculties, The need to pay attention to international students, especially from the Nile Basin countries and Africa, in support of the consolidation of friendship with these countries.

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