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The Turkish regime is about to collapse. Erdogan is good at acting


Mohammad Mustafa, a researcher in the affairs of the Islamic current movements, criticized the regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, asserting that this regime was about to collapse due to the large number of lies and blood circulation.

Mustafa said: "The alleged economy of Turkey, which cracked our heads, it is an artificial economy supported by the Western back, according to the old policy, which was based on the introduction of Turkey as a hybrid Islamic model Western Atlantic flavor and adopted to lead the East by America, and this In this incident, which took place on 10 August 2018, the Turkish lira fell 19% in one day against the dollar after US President Donald Trump cheered on the doubling of tariffs on steel and aluminum imported from Turkey, causing heavy losses and a collapse in the Turkish economy. The Lira reached the Walter Yeh 6.87 lira to the dollar, after a small Toath of Trump shakes Turkey's economy. "

He added: "After Turkey announced its insistence on not handing over the US Rev. Brunson, and that it will not bow to the threats Washington, which Ankara accused of conspiracy and involvement in the attempted military coup in 2016, finally succumbed to US instructions to hand him over immediately, the Turkish judiciary took orders from the Turkish Istanbul, He was released on 12 October last, and in humiliation and humiliation, US President Trump received in the Oval Office the freed priest Andrew Brunson, Trump said his words to those who tried to ease the humiliation suffered by Turkey, when the Turks claimed that his release was part of a deal between Turkey and America Trump said there was no deal with Turkey for the release and return of Rev. Andrew Brunson. I do not conclude deals for hostages. "

He said: "What are you waiting for from a NATO member state, with the largest US base in NATO, the Incirlik base, now ready against Erdogan to engage in military operations if it erupts against Iran, an ally of Turkey, not forgetting that Erdogan and his gangs armed the Turkish army Following the coup d'état in 2016, insulting it and driving its soldiers in the streets with the Muslim Brothers' gang there ?! "

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