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The story of a match between Fattar and Suhur .. Pharaohs broke the dancers Samba in Ramadan

News Sports

Ramadan is associated with memories of "spherical" did not fall from the memory of lovers of the round in Egypt, especially as it relates to the positions of the games were the talk of morning and evening in the month of fasting.

"The Seventh Day" opens the box of "football" memories of the month of Ramadan, full of exciting events held in the month of Ramadan in 30 episodes throughout the month through the "story of a match between Fattar and Suhur."

The match between Egypt and Brazil was held at the Millennium Stadium in England on Thursday, 26 July 2012, 7 Ramadan 1433, at the opening of the Olympic Games.

The first half came as a shock, and Brazil scored three unanswered goals, with Rafael da Silva in the 17th minute, Leandro Damiao in the 20th minute and Neymar in the 30th minute.

In the second half, the national team starred after the arrival of Mohamed Salah to score the Egyptian team two goals through Apotheka in the 52nd minute, Salah in the 76th minute, and miss several opportunities, most notably two chances for Salah, ending the meeting victory Silesao Pharaohs three goals to two goals, and embarrass the team Egyptian his Brazilian counterpart significantly.

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