The smart stapler is the most important .. 3 techniques that caused a surge in the surgery of obesity .. Presented by Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabki
In various medical fields, technology plays a key role in providing everything new to facilitate surgery and operations, especially in the field of obesity surgery, which has developed significantly in the past years thanks to the development of the tools used, which made obesity safer, and raised the results of success in Tangible.
Dr. Ahmad Al-Sabki, Consultant of Obesity, Diabetes and Cosmetic Surgery, Chairman of the Arab Association for Obesity and Diabetes Surgery, and member of the International Federation of Obesity Surgery, explains in the following report the impact of modern technology on obesity operations as well as the development of tools used in these operations.
Technological development and its impact on obesity surgery:
Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabki explained to the seventh day that the skill and experience of the surgeon is an important part of the success of obesity surgery like any other specialty. His skill stems from his continuous knowledge of the latest technological methods used in obesity operations around the world. , Most relying on modern technology in tools.
Al-Sabki stressed that the advanced stages of these tools have made the process of obesity guaranteed to be very successful. All the complications that occurred in the past no longer occur with the use of these advanced tools, making them safer.

The advantages of using the smart stapler in obesity surgery
Smart Stapler and Prevention of Infusion:
Dr. Al-Sabaki said that the stapler is the most important technological tool developed. The stapler can measure the thickness of the tissue in the stomach and is used in the quantification process after removing part of the stomach in the quantization or after isolation. Part of the stomach in the mini-conversion process, where the smart stapler closes and staples the stomach at the end of the operation after the removal.
Al-Sabki explained that the smart stapler is one of the tools that has achieved a breakthrough in eliminating the problem of leaking in obesity surgery. This tool has eliminated the infusion in a final way, contrary to what was happening before.
Advantages of using a smart stapler:
In the same context, Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabaki described the advantages of using the smart stapler: "The advantages of the smart stapler appeared clearly in the cases that had to return the obesity surgery after failure in the first time. These cases usually have high infusion rates, forcing them to repeat the operation again. In the case of repeated obesity surgery again the thickness of the stomach tissue is different from each other, and when the use of the stapler, the traditional patient was usually faced with a big problem, such as infusion, which was treated and eliminated completely with the use of stapler smart.

The importance of using GTT in obesity surgery
GST technology and avoid bleeding:
Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabki, who spoke about technology in the world of obesity surgery, said: "There is also the technology of GST.GST system), Which compress the tissues of the stomach before closing in surgery, in order to avoid the problem of bleeding and infusion, and thus avoided the problems of obesity surgery at all, using this technology and we were able to eliminate the fears of patients from surgery, obesity completely.

Advantages of using Harmonics in Obesity Surgery
Harmonics devices have accelerated the procedure:
He pointed out that there are devices called "Harmonic" devices are used in the surgery of obesity, pointing out that the evolution of these devices prevented bleeding during the process, and helped to speed up the surgery itself, making it only takes half an hour to a maximum.
He explained that the speed in the operation and reduce the time is one of the most important factors developed in the surgery of obesity, because the patient no longer in need of anesthesia for a long time as was the case in the past, especially the obesity patient has many health problems such as diabetes and stress and heart problems and breathing , And thus there is safety in conducting obesity surgery.
For more information and medical advice in the field of obesity and sugar surgery, you can see the page of Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabki centers through Facebook:
Prof. Ahmed El-Sabky Consultant
Dr. Ahmed Al-Subki's website:
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(tagsToTranslate) Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabki – Obesity – Sugar – Technology – Smart stapler – GST technology – Harmonic devices – Infusion (t) Bleeding
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