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The Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange agrees with the conduct of the "Univert" in the procedures of delisting

Economy and stock exchange

The Securities Listing Committee decided on Wednesday to approve the operation of Univert Food Industries Company in the procedures of delisting the company's issued share capital with an issued capital of LE 89.8 million distributed over 89.8 million shares at a nominal value of LE 1 per share Egyptian securities market for small and medium enterprises.

The committee linked the execution of the company's write-off process after the purchase of the shares of the affected shareholders, including the objectors in accordance with Article 55 and 55bis of the Listing Rules and Article 74 of the executive procedures. The shares were free to trade 14.1% of the total shares of the Company.

Trading on Univert Food Industries was suspended on the open market as of the beginning of last Sunday's trading session. The final write-off of the company's shares will be presented to the registration committee after the company's purchase of the shares of the shareholders affected by the write-off, From the stock exchange database.

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