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The Doctors Syndicate opens the door for the purchase of cars with installments financed by 200 thousand pounds

Egyptian reports

The Medical Association decided to open the door for the purchase of cars with installment system for 150 cars, with a maximum of 200 thousand pounds from any new "unused" car selected by the doctor, at an interest rate of 8% per annum only and for a period of installment up to 55 months at most.

The union said in a statement that the application is due to begin on Wednesday [May 15th], with applicants being accepted to the union. The file is withdrawn from the union at a fee of 200 pounds and the doctor is given a deadline for processing the papers and the required amounts until the end of May 2019 .

The doctors' union pointed out that the doctor must pay the presenter at least 20% of the value of the vehicle of his choice.

– Medical Doctors Syndicate

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