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Tales of the night and night .. The story of the city of copper (3)


The night before, Shahrazad said that the delegation, which was accompanied by Prince Musa, tried to enter the city of copper and could not at first but finally managed to enter after the death of a number of men.

In the 70th night after the five hundred she said: Dear King, I told you that Sheikh Abdul Samad said when I reached the top of the fence I saw ten neighbors as if they were moons, and they begged to come to us and imagine that I came by sea of ​​water and I wanted to throw myself as our companions did, So I asked them about the meaning of the Book of Allah, so Allaah has separated me from their hands and turned away from me. I have not given up my soul, and Allah has responded to them with their hands and magic. There is no doubt that this is the magic of Makiya made by the people of that city. He walked on the fence until he reached the copper towers and saw to There are two doors of gold, and there is no lock on them. There is no sign of opening them. Then the Shaykh stood in front of the door and hoped. He saw in the middle of the door a picture of a bronze knight with an elongated palm, as if it were pointed by a written line. It was read by Sheikh Abd al-Samad. The door opens, hoping for the knight, then in his secret is a tightly studded nail, and a twelve-foot trap. The door opens immediately, and it has a voice like thunder, and Sheikh Abdul Samad came in. He was a virtuous man who knew all the languages ​​and the pens. He walked until he entered a long corridor. They have dead people and over their heads expensive gears and gears Delicate bows and arrows tensor Mufoukh behind the door and a column of iron barricades of wood and thin locks machines court.

Shaykh 'Abd al-Samad said to himself: Perhaps the keys are with these people, and then he looks at him. If he is a sheikh, he shows that he is the oldest of them and he is on a high floor among the dead people. His hand, and we went out of him and lifted his clothes, and with the keys hanging in his midst.

When Sheikh Abdul Samad saw a great joy and almost his mind to fly from joy, and then Sheikh Abdul Samad took the keys and Dana from the door and open the locks and the door and the barricades and machinery opened, and opened the door with a voice like thunder to his head and his mind and the greatness of his machines, so great Sheikh and great folk with him and rejoiced and joy and joy Prince Salamah Sheikh Abdul Samad and open the door of the city and thanked the people for what he did, all the military rushed to enter the door shouted at them Prince Musa and said to them, my people do not believe if we all of the thing happens but enter half and delay half.

Then Prince Musa entered the door with half of the people carrying the weapons of war, and the people looked at their owners while they were dead and buried them. They saw the gatekeepers, the servants, the headscarf and the deputies lying on the bed, all of them dead. They entered the city market and saw a huge market. And the brass was arrayed and the boxes filled with all the goods, and they saw the merchants dead on their shops;

They looked at four independent markets, such as the behemoth, full of money, leaving it to the market. If the silk and the brocade were woven with red gold and white silver of different colors and their owners were dead, they could hardly pronounce and leave them and went to the market of jewels, pearls and sapphires. , And found them dead and under the types of silk and barriches and their shops filled with gold and silver, and left them and went to the market of Attarine, if their shops filled with aromatic types and Almosak and amber and oud and camphor and others and their people are all dead and have nothing of food.

When they came from the market of Attarine, they soon found an elaborate ornate palace, and they found it, and they found published signs, abstract swords, a caricature and a torso hung with chains of gold and silver and gold-plated brocade, and in the corridors of that palace was an ivory wall decorated with gold and abrasion. The bones of the ignorant are counted up but they did not die, and they died of the bath. Then the Prince Musa stood up to praise God and sanctify him. He looked at the good of that palace and its fine structure. He made it with the best qualities and mastered the geometry and more engraved with green lapis lazuli written on the circle of these verses:

Look at what you see, O man, and be cautious before going away

And gave Zad of the best won by every resident Dara will travel

And look at the people Zanoa their homes and became rich depending on what they did

Build what benefits the structures and saved their money did not save them when the time has passed

They hoped they could not go to the graves and hope did not help them

And they took refuge from the highest of their rank, so that they might be narrowed to the extent of what they did

Then they came to a stark distance from what they had buried, where the family, the crowns, and the paralysis

Where the faces that were veiled without it hit Astar and boredom

And the grave shall be taken away from them according to their liquid;

They have eaten for a long time, and what they have drunk, they have become after the good food they have eaten

The prince cried until he was covered, and ordered to write this poetry and entered the palace.

And Shahrazad knew that it was morning so she stop from talking from what she should.

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