Science tells you .. Why grow fingernails faster than the feet?
If you are interested in pruning and caring for your nails, you have noticed that fingernails grow faster than toe nails. Science, Fingernails grow 2-3 times faster than fingernails, but why do fingernails grow faster than toe nails? That's what we'll learn
Nail Care
The nail growth rate can be affected by a number of things, including age, sex, diet, exercise, occupation and even the seasons. Finger nails tend to grow at about 3.5 to 4 mm per month, while the toenails grow at a rate ranging from 1.6 and 1.8 mm per month.
Despite the similarities between the toes and hands, the two are treated differently. Usually we gather our feet and nails in socks and shoes, often reducing blood circulation and blood flow.
This also doubles that the feet are significantly far from the heart compared to the hands, which means lower blood flow to the feet, resulting in less oxygen and less nutrients to produce new cells.
Nail Health
As the seasons change, research points to seasonal differences in growth rates. In other words, when fingers and toes are colder (during winter), less blood flows to those areas due to constriction of blood vessels, and nail growth rates become very slow, in season Summer, when the body is warm, growth rates rise again.
Some explanations suggest that nail growth is affected by shock or impact. If a shock or a "stroke" occurs in the nails, the normal cell turnover is affected. From pressing the doorbell and practicing pressure to typing on a laptop or smartphone, A small "shock" signal is sent to epithelial cells in the matrix, causing increased growth, to compensate for the perception of damage and because we use our hands more often, fingernails become faster to grow.
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