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Rights: Qatar is not committed to the recommendations of the International Human Rights Council from 2014


Ayman Nasri, president of the Arab Forum for Dialogue and Human Rights in Geneva, said that Qatar has not complied with the recommendations of the International Human Rights Council and the Member States that provided through the Universal Periodic Review mechanism the 27th session in June 2014 to improve the conditions of workers by observing international safety and security standards, These recommendations were based on the living testimonies of some of the workers in the construction of the World Cup stadiums provided by some international human rights organizations, especially Amnesty International.

In the June 24, 2014, Universal Periodic Review [UPR], Nasri stressed that Qatar did not address this issue specifically and its discriminatory laws and arbitrary deprivation of Qatari nationality to the tribe of forgiveness. Qatar received four recommendations from Argentina, France, Greece and Mexico to amend the special nationality law The State of Qatar has not submitted any solutions to this issue, which is contrary to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in May 2018. Article 68 N Qatar Constitution and also Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that no distinction shall be made either on the basis of color, race, sex, religion, or political affiliation.

The President of the Arab Forum for Human Rights, said that based on this intransigent position of the Qatari state and continuing to deprive the tribe of the Ghafran of their social, cultural and economic rights, the Arab Forum will submit a complaint to the National Committee for Human Rights in Qatar requesting approval to meet representatives of the tribe inside Qatar to determine their situation Health and economic and social issues. This comes on the sidelines of the 33rd session of the Universal Periodic Review, which discusses the human rights situation in Qatar on Wednesday, May 15, 9 am and if the Qatari state does not respond, And THE HIGH COMMISSIONER through a UNHCR complaints mechanism, demanding an end to the more than 20-year-old issue.

Human Rights

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