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On the anniversary of the birth of the French painter George Brac, creator of "Cubism"


He was supposed to be a painter or decorator as his father and grandfather, but his love and passion for painting made him study his origins in the School of Fine Arts in the evening. He is the painter George Brac, who is commemorating his birthday today. He was born on May 13, 1882, 1963 AD.

Brak succeeded in his studies until he graduated from the School of Fine Arts in 1902 and became the next year attending classes at the Humber Academy. He remained there until 1904.

The late artist Braque was one of the founders of the cubist school and one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. He was also a friend of Pablo Picasso, although they had great differences. Picasso was more famous than Braque. .

At the beginning of his work as an artist whose work belonged to the Impressionist Movement, but after witnessing the brutal movement of the 1905 exhibition, he was deeply influenced, using brilliant colors and random forms to obtain deep responses from human emotions.

After studying the atrocities well, Brak was able to present his works. In May 1907, at the Association of Independent Artists, in the same year, his works gradually began to develop. Between 1908 and 1913, Brack's drawings showed his interest in engineering for the impact of light and illustration and the technical methods used by painters To show those effects, and here shows skepticism of many of the criteria known to artists. For example, in his drawings of landscapes from his village, Brak minimized architectural buildings and replaced them with almost cubic geometric shapes, while making shadows appear as flat and three-dimensional shapes at the same time by refracting the image.

In 1909 Braque began working with the artist Pablo Picasso, who was working on the same Cubic style of painting. Picasso was influenced by Paul Gauguin and Paul Cézanne, while Braque was working on the development of Cezanne's multiple perspectives.

Studies show that a comparison of the works of Braque and Picasso during the 1908 period shows how Brac, in his work with Picasso, used to speed up his discovery of Cezanne's ideas, not to transform his ideas. The Cubism movement, which spread in France and Europe, was a joint discovery between Braque and Picasso in 1907, Montmartre in Paris were the two main pioneers.

George Bush

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