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Of the ceramic paste .. Sarah work in response and tabloids arrived in Germany

Women and miscellaneous

Sara El Mahdy, the daughter of Alexandria, despite graduating from the Faculty of Law and not attending the Faculty of Fine Arts, was able to self-educate herself and learn about everything new and insist on her skill and industry. .

Works of ceramic paste (1)
Works of ceramic paste
Works of ceramic paste (2)
Works of ceramic paste
Works of ceramics paste (3)
Works of ceramic paste

"I am small and I love painting and I myself entered a beautiful arts college and entered the sculpture department. When I entered the rights I thought I would do a private job and be distinguished."

And here began her journey in search of learning and everything that is new about the world of painting and sculpture together, through YouTube videos, to be admired by the Italian work, which is characterized by its manufacture of ceramic paste, which is also expensive.

Works of ceramic paste (4)
Works of ceramic paste
Works of ceramic paste (5)
Works of ceramic paste
Works of ceramic paste (6)
Works of ceramic paste

She added: "Ashov began many videos of ceramic paste and Iza work and preferred to try once and I missed a lot to reduce Maatknha and reached the result of the result I am Aizahha."

Sara then turned to the carving of the roses and the distinctive tabloids, the ceramic paste that she was able to make at home, and follows the natural roses, Ghali and Pimot quickly, so I came up with the idea that it is possible to work as an alternative to nature.

Works of ceramics paste (7)
Works of ceramic paste
Works of ceramic paste (8)
Works of ceramic paste
Works of ceramics paste (9)
Works of ceramic paste

The ceramic paste is characterized by soft, soft texture, which can be used easily and can be sculpted as desired. It says: "Cut the paste and make the details in the natural roses, each of which is soft and after what has been formed with its dryness, I always wanted to make the rose in a way that gave up Natural, and was the most important need for me to evacuate my semi-natural work, and of course I have time and effort. "

Works of ceramic paste (10)
Works of ceramic paste
Works of ceramic paste (11)
Works of ceramic paste
Works of ceramic paste (12)
Works of ceramic paste

After being able to manufacture and maintain it, she was able to send some samples to the annual exhibition in Germany with one of the participants so that she could know the result of her work, which they already enjoyed.

Egyptian Private, Works of ceramic paste (13)

Works of ceramic paste

Works of ceramic paste (14)
Works of ceramic paste
Works of ceramic paste (15)
Works of ceramic paste

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(tagsToTranslate) The ceramic dough (t) The roses (t) The tabloids (t) Sarah El Mahdy

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