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Legislature MPs agree to an agreement with FAO .. Learn details


The Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee approved today, under the chairmanship of Chancellor Bahaa Abu-Shukha, the Presidential Decree No. 233 of 2019 on the agreement signed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on the framework of the National Program for the Arab Republic of Egypt 2018-2022 and signed on 2342018

He said that the agreement does not violate the constitution and comes in accordance with the Council's rules and in accordance with Article 197 and according to the Constitution as stated in Article 151, which affirms that the President is the representative of the State in its foreign relations and the signing of treaties and conventions.

According to the agreement, FAO will provide support to the Egyptian government to implement the framework of the national program, which aims to raise the level of food security of strategic food commodities, improve agricultural productivity and sustainable use of natural agricultural resources

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