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Away from home .. A surprise of the caliber of a US citizen while walking in a rice field

Women and miscellaneous

While walking in a rice field, all you can expect to see is the rice plant along a large stretch, and plenty and lots of water, but American Frank Pearce, who lives in Arkansas, had a different experience walking in a rice field.

Pierce, a huge 9-foot-wide swarm, was seen strolling along with his family in the rice field to bask in the sun in northeast Arkansas. "My brother and I and my wife and my daughter were fishing, we came around the curve and there was in the field," Pierce said.

"The roads and fields have been flooded, and now there seems to be a new problem that has emerged after the crocodile found himself in the river," he said. North is farther than we expected. "

"When we first received the call, we thought it was a kind of joke, because you do not see crocodiles in the far north," Sherif Lucas said.

Crocodile "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2019/5/12/676924- crocodile. "Title =" Alligator

When Sherif Lucas arrived in the area, he soon realized that it was not a joke. "I looked at the field and saw him sitting there. I was thinking now. I do not know what to do." I went on with the Arkansas Fish Commission to see the next step. They were all surprised to see a crocodile In the far north. "

With the amount of rain that has hit Arkansas this year, "Mark Barbie" the biologist, it is not impossible to see the crocodile in the far north, said Barbie: "What happened was the recent rainfall, I have just removed from the river system, which happens "He said.

– Arkansas

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