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A member of the ruling family calls on the Qatari people not to remain silent about the crimes of "Hamdeen"


Sheikh Fahad bin Abdullah Al Thani, a member of the ruling Qatari family, called on the Qatari people not to be silent about the crimes committed by the Hamdeen organization, which he called the traitorous regime.

Sheikh Fahd bin Abdullah al-Thani said in a tweet via his personal account on Twitter: Turkey is an ally of the terrorist organization Hamdine, which is trying to destroy Libya! … Our honorable people in Qatar should not be silent about this terrorist organization that is consulting the traitors and allied with the forces of evil And terrorist organizations in the region and the world and has been fighting for more than 20 years our people and brothers in the Gulf.

The spokesman for the Libyan National Army, Major General Ahmad al-Mismari, revealed that the militias of the government of the Accord began using Turkish drone aircraft in the bombing of the Libyan National Army, after the drop of several fighters belonging to the militias Al-Wefaq.

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