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The story of Sheikh Khalifa Sultan Muammar Gharbiya after his death at the age of 113 years

News Provinces

The village of Shimratu in the center of Bassioun in Gharbia Governorate was the funeral of Sheikh Khalifa Yusuf Sultan, dean of the family of Al Sultan, the largest Muammar in the province. He was 113 years old.

The following is information about Akbar Muammar in Al Gharbia Governorate:

– Born in 1906 before the 1919 revolution

– The era of kings and Egypt and their leaders in the past and present

– Legalized legal action, Imam and Khatib of the main mosque in the village and the preservation of the Holy Quran in full.

– The husband of thousands of people in his village and neighboring villages, including the grandfather Ahmed Hammadi captain of the Egyptian team and player of the club "Aston Villa"

– Married and has a boy and two daughters and 40 grandchildren and his wife died five years ago now at the age of 100 years.

– His successor Sheikh Mohamed Metwally Al-Sharaoui prayed 35 years ago during his wife's marriage to a businessman from the village of Shrapato in Tanta. Shaykh Al-Shaarawi refused to lead the worshipers. Al-Shaarawi insisted that Sheikh Khalifa be guided by Sheikh Shaarawy. Khalifa, "and refused to" spend "the amount and insisted on keeping it and clasped in the Koran.

– The whole of the area went out in the funeral of his funeral this afternoon.

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Greater Muammar in Western (2)

Greater Muammar in Gharbia (3)

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Greater Muammar in Western (5)

The largest Muammar in the West (6)

Greater Muammar in Western (7)

Western (t) Western Province (t) Western Muammar (t) Funeral (t) Largest Muammar in Egypt (tagsToTranslate)

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