What happens to the body when taking an overdose of drugs?
The body has a number of negative psychological and physical reactions due to an overdose of drugs. Symptoms often include breathing difficulties, drowsiness, hallucinations, nausea, and convulsions.
The site " MedlinePlus"The symptoms that appear are dependent on the drug that has been taken, and can cause the abuse of legal and illegal drugs, and may sometimes lead to overdose.
Drugs that are classified as drugs can slow a person's breathing to a subconscious level, because these drugs are stimulants that increase the heart rate and make some people very excited.

Overdose of drugs
It is possible to overdose any type of medication, including common drugs such as aspirin, taking many aspirin in the system may lead to nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, fever, fatigue, confusion and rapid heartbeat, a large overdose of aspirin can lead to coma .
People who are addicted to heroin are at high risk of overdose. Over-dose of heroin can cause the person to fall asleep and never wake up.
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